Ecosystem Concept
Discuss how different componenets of ecosystem affect the environment Explain the characteristics of ecological succession. (2015)
Explain the concept of micro carbon sink and its relevance. (2017
Types of Ecosystems
Give a brief classification of the various types of ecosystem.
Laws of Ecology
Critically analyse with suitable examples the different principles of ecology.
Soil Genesis
Soil genesis (98) Genesis of soil. (2003)
Discuss the various soil forming processes Genesis of soils
Soil Profile
Soil Profile and its formation
Soil Classification
Discuss the basis on which soils can be formed. Which classification will you use and why?
Distinguish between intrazonal and azonal soils. Describe in brief the characteristics and importance of azonal soils.
Soil Degradation and Conservation
Explain the causes of soil erosion occuring over extensive areas in certain parts of India. What measures would you suggest for solving this problem? (89)
Soil erosion and conservation. (2005)
Discuss the various causes of soil erosion? How can soil erosion be checked.
Critically analyse the problem of soil erosion in India. what steps will you suggest for soil conservation.
What are the different forms of soil erosion, and where are they found? What steps can be taken to control soil Erosion.
Give a causal account of degradation of soil in various parts of the country. Suggest remedies for conservation for soils.
Factors influencing World distribution of Fauna and Flora
Divide world into major biotic regions giving the basis of your division. (83)
Divide the world into major biotic regions and explain the basis of your division. (89)
Indicate the major biotic region of the world and discuss the ecological aspects of the monsoon region. (94)
World’s biotic regions (86) Characteristics of monsoon forests (87) Biotic succession (93)
Give a brief account of principal land biomes and their latitudinal distribution. (2009) Floristic kingdoms, based on their global distribution (2010)
Discuss the various factors that influence the distribution of plants and animals. Factors influencing world distribution of plants and animals
Which factors influence the growth of wild plants in India? Discuss their economic significance. 2020
Critically analyse the various biomes and the different biotic regions of the world.
Analyse the factors for the classification of biomes and biotic regions and their characterisctics.
Discuss the causes of degradation of tropical rainforests and suggest remedial measures for their prevention, conservation and development.
Discuss the causes of degradation of tropical rainforests and suggest remedial measures for their prevention, conservation and development.
Problems of deforestation and conservation measures
Critically examine the relationship between deforestation and environmental degradation with specific examples from any one region in India. (91)
Discuss the causes of deforestation taking examples from India. What measures will you suggest to control deforestation.
Agro-forestry (2001)
Social Forestry and Environmental Conservation (2007) Compare and contrast Social Forestry and Agro Forestry.
Explain the effects and causes of deforestation, and its impact on the pattern of agriculture in India. 2020
Gene Pool Centres
Write a short note on Gene Pool Centres Human ecological adaptations Man and the Amazon rainforest (96)
What is meant by ecological adaptations. Discuss the various ways in which the human beings have
been able to adapt themselves in different environmental conditions.
Man and the Amazon rainforest (96)
Explain the different stages of ecological adaptation of man and bring out the changing balance between man and environment. (2015)
What is meant by ecological adaptations. Discuss the various ways in which the human beings have been able to adapt themselves in different environmental conditions.
Human ecological adaptations
Global Ecological Imbalances
Influence of man on ecology and environment
Discuss how different types of mining lead to different types of environmental problems. (2012)
Environmental degradation
Discuss the causes and consequences of environmental degradation and highlight the related conservation measures. (2000)
Natural Hazards (95)
Desertification and its preventive measures (96)
Enumerate the major causes of increasing degradation of environment in hills and hillslopes, and state its down-valley impact. (2014)
Discuss the concept of environmental conservation and examine the role of national environmental policy in the conservation of Indian environment.
Describe the characteristics of biological deserts. (2017)
Explain the natural and anthropogenic causes and mitigation measures of frequent flooding in Mumbai.
“Geomorphological changes are largely responsible for environmental hazards in the Himalayan
region.” Comment with relevant examples.
Ecosystems and their management and conservation
Define ecosystem and describe briefly its various components. Also discuss how and to what extent the modern man has affected the various types of ecosystems. (93)
Discuss the relevance of ‘watershed’, as an ecosystem for the purpose of sustainable development (99) Discuss the concept, components and functioning of an ecosystem. (2001)
Write in detail on the concept of biosphere as an ecosystem. (2002) Ecosystem Concept (85), (92)
Give an account of the structure of ecosystem and describe its functional aspects. (2010) “Food productivity with purity of ecosystem is the need of the hour.” Elaborate. (2014) Analyse the different perspectives on ecosystem management.
Discuss the Perception, Attitude, Value and Emotion (PAVE) Theory of environmental management. (2015)
Explain the ecosystem approach to environmental management and highlight its advantages and disadvantages.
Explain the ecosystem approach to environmental management and highlight its advantages and disadvantages.
Discuss the human response to and management of hazards and disasters in India.
Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances
Discuss man’s role in creating ecological imbalances taking examples from a geographical region. (84)
Examine the cause of ecological imbalances and briefly explain the measures taken to rectify them. (89)
Bring out the major problems of environmental pollution at global scale and suggest measures to check it. (2005)
Discuss the global ecological imbalances and their management. (2006) Ecological imbalances. (83)
Environmental Pollution. (2003) Man-induced famines are becoming more common than nature-
induced ones.” Comment. (2015)
Impact of Cryopsphare on gloabal climate (2012)
Explain the levels of Noise pollution and the legislative measures to control it. (2013) Describe the concept of Global warming. Discuss its causes and consequences.
Land use/Land Cover and soil types influence forage quantity and quality in semi-arid regions of the world. Discuss with relevant examples. 2020
Discuss the problems associated with the living environment in million plus cities in India. How can these be managed? 2020
Critically examine the various approaches to Biodiversity conservation. Major components of IGBP. (2012)
Types of endemic plants and their degree of vulnerability to extinction. (2013)
Give an account of different types of biodiversity, their importance, problems and conservation?
Give a causal account of extinction of wildlife and critically examine the conservation practices and management in India.
Critically examine the various approaches to Biodiversity conservation.
Sustainable development
Ingredients of Sustainable Development. (2011) See Indian Geography (Sustainable development) Sustainable development (94)(2006)
Ingredients of Sustainable Development. (2011)
Discuss the method of conserving biodiversity for sustainable development. (2015)
Why is Sustainable Development important for mankind? Outline the changes required for Sustainable Development.
Problem of economic development and its sustainability.
Write a critical note on the tendency of “use and throw” in the context of economic status and environment. (2016)
Give an account on sustainable development and its components. (2017
“Controlling population growth is the sustainable solution to environmental problems.” Express your views
with suitable arguments.
Environmental policy
Discuss the objectives and form of National Environmental Policy.
Global environmental polices are the results of global problems. Discuss the interrelationship between them.
Give an account of National Environmental Policy Issues in India.
Environmental hazards and remedial measures See Indian Geography (Contemporary issues) Desertification as an Environmental hazard (2008)
What are the environmental hazards? Examine the role of mankind in the origin and magnitude of hazard in India.
Explain the hydro-meteorological hazards in the Himalayas. (2016)
Environmental education
Comment on the impact of environmental education on quality of life. (2015)
Identify the main problems faced in environmental education in developed and developing world. Give suggestions for changing people attitude towards the environment
Environmental education
Discuss the objectives and principles of environmental education. Describe the basic concerns of formal and non-formal environmental education in India.
Environmental legislation
Classification of environmental law
Discuss the concepts and principles of environmental law. Environmental legislation
New Age Questions compatible with the changing pattern for 2020
Mixed Interrelated and interdisciplinary nature Questions
Explain the relative role of biota on Soil formation. How does it determine the fertility of the soil. Discuss the Mechanism of transformation processes of soil. How does this affect soil fertility?
Explain the climate vegetation relationship between climate and Desert biome.
Discuss the basis on which soils can be classified. Which classification will you choose and why? Discuss the various methods of soil conservation, in particular the new methods that are sustainable.
The causes of deforestation in developed and developing countries are different. Explain that with reference to India.
The oceans are not limitless sinks of pollution. Analyse this statement.
Write a short note on gene pool centers, and its implication for Genetic diversity.
Their environment shapes the morphological characteristics of human beings. Discuss with examples.
Analyse the evolution of the reasons for human ecological dominance. How do humans control and manipulate their environment.
The ethics of environment is environmental ethics. Elaborate. Give a brief account of adaptation of animals in Tundra region.
Soils in Punjab and Haryana have lost their fertility, but not because of erosion. Comment on that statement.
Explain the difference between Farm forestry and agro forestry.
The Case study of Sukhomajri is a classic case of bringing health back to environment from irreversible decline.
Explain the law, ‘Nature knows Best’
Explain Global warming, its economic and political dimensions. Discuss the Formation and reclamation of Derelict land in India.
Discuss the Problems of carrying Environmental Impact Assessment in India. Comment on Sustainable Development and economic development.
Explain the Value of Biodiversity in a country, particularly developing country.
The causes of deforestation in developed and developing countries are different. Explain that with reference to India.
The oceans are not limitless sinks of pollution. Analyse this statement.
Their environment shapes the morphological characteristics of human beings. Discuss with examples
Analyse the reasons for human ecological dominance. How do humans control and manipulate their environment.
Explain the Difference between Farm forestry and agro forestry. Explain Global warming, its economic and political dimensions.
Discuss the Problems of carrying Environmental Impact Assessment in India. Comment on Sustainable Development in relation to economic development.
Explain the Value of Biodiversity in a country and show how Natural Capital can be one of the biggest assets.
Give reasons for stubble burning in North West part of India and prepare a draft of measures to have a sustainable solution.
Examine the Impact of Coral Reefs on Economy, and Describe various Coral Bleaching mechanism Discuss the factors and obstructions in dispersal of plants and animals.
Discuss the concept of adaptive radiation? How has it aided evolution and evolutionary forms?
Explain the meaning of “There is no such thing as free Lunch and its significance” Megatherms, microtherms and Mesotherms determine almost all the plant types. Discuss Winds have more effect on the plant distribution than merely acting as an atmospheric agent. Critically examine the human influence on Plant and Animal distribution.
Why are six different feeding strata of plants developed in Tropical Rainforests and what are their characteristics.
Explain the vegetation transition as it takes place from Savanna to Rainforests and Deserts. How do the different type of perennials identify and modify themselves in Deserts.
Discuss the concept and centres of Gene Pool. Discuss it in relation to the genetic wealth of India.
Critically develop the validity of ex situ gene conservation as a means of Biosphere Biodiversity Conservation.
Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny. Explain the concept with reference to Human Ecological Superiority.
Discuss Chapman’s model of Ozone depletion.
Critically explain the likely impact of aerosols on the Physical Environment. Explain with reasons as to why Climatic Change is considered questionable? Explain the reasons of derelict land formation and its reclamation.
Discuss the validity of the concept of Biomanipulation as a means of tackling eutrophication.
What are the causes of pollution levels being very high over Delhi, and how has it got aggravated in recent years.
What are the causes of forest fires in India? Are they natural events or man made events? Explain it with examples and its management
Discuss the concept of ecological succession and the various stages of succession
A major biospheric event has been the reptilian extinction. Explain its causes, mechanism and evidences? Discuss.
Give reasons for stubble burning in North West part of India and prepare a draft of measures to have a sustainable solution.
EIA must be made more simple, easy and easily spreadable as policy measure to check further environmental degradation.
Discuss the basis on which soils can be classified. Which classification will you choose and why? The ethics of environment is environmental ethics. Elaborate.
Explain the law, ‘Nature knows Best’
Comment on Sustainable Development and economic development.
Soils in Punjab and Haryana have lost their fertility, not because of erosion. Comment on that statement.
The Case study of Sukhomajri is a classic case of bringing health back to environment from irreversible decline,
Their environment shapes the morphological characteristics of human beings. Discuss with examples Explain the meaning of dispersal of species? What are the barriers that limit dispersal.
The deforestation rate in Amazonia has been a cause of concern in recent times. What are the major reasons behind it and possible impacts of deforestation?
Wildlife trafficking is a problem of global concern. Discuss In the light of its impact.
Although ‘Biodiversity Offsetting’ as a method of biodiversity conservation offers one of the solutions, the approach is beset with challenges. Discuss.
“The changing management of disasters have been consistent with the increasing depth of understanding and knowledge of disasters.” Elaborate.
“Ecological adaptations of human are more cultural adaptations rather than biological” Elaborate.
What are the principal sources and sinks of elements dissolved in seawater? Explain how the totals of these sources and sinks are approximately balanced.
Discuss the major soil forming processes.
Explain the major soil orders according to the USDA soil classification. Write a short note on soil profile in zonal and azonal soils.
What do you understand by the term dispersal of species. Discuss the barriers to dispersal. Discuss the role of environmental factors in the distribution of plants and animals.
Discuss the role of historical factors in the distribution of plants and animals. Discuss the evolution of the concept of bio geographic regions.
Provide an account of the major Floristic regions of the world. Provide an account of the major Faunistic regions of the world.
Provide an account of regional characteristics of Steppe Biomes found across the world. Differentiate between North American and Eurasian coniferous forest biomes.
Discuss the contemporary trends of deforestation in the world. Discuss the major principles of wildlife conservation.
Identify the Major gene pool centres of the world. What is the significance of such gene pools. “Ecological adaptations of human beings are variable in space and time.” Discuss.
The changing paradigms of disaster management have been consistent with the increasing knowledge of disasters.” Elaborate.
What are the factors that determine dispersal of the plants and animals?
What are the principals of bird migration? Explain it with examples. Also point out recent changes in the migration patterns and its causative factors.
The Amazonian forests owe their origin to the drying away of Chad Lake. Explain