More popular as ENSEMBLE, the organization was established on 31st March, 2004 with the objective of Career Planning, Career development, Career enrichment and to encourage education through coaching, training, career counseling and develop research and scientific innovation in education, so that our country may be able to generate quality human resource. ENSEMBLE has evolved a variety of strategies and variety of programme equipped to solve various problems in a customised manner. ENSEMBLE specialises in training people for various courses and various profile.The organization has been involved in various places for a variety of ex-situ training. ENSEMBLE specialised itself in Civil Services training till 2014, thereafter it started diversifying beyond its offline classroom course. There were two new programmes that it evolved – Career Security Programme to provide a secure career to students at +2 level and the other called as Digital Guidance programme that involved to provide documentary type experience to learning and one stop solution to the candidates online.

Ensemble has worked against the traditional form of coaching to include and give a very novel learning experience to the students that will be sustainable and beyond ordinary.

Experience learning beyond the ordinary

It is generally seen that two widespread problems are found in college teaching today. The first is that the majority of college teachers do not seem to have learning goals that go much beyond an understand-and-remember type of learning. There are very few colleges that extend into certain aspects of application learning—such things as problem solving, thinking, and decision-making.This results in students getting a degree when these courses are over but all the years put in education does not translate in obtaining a job.

The second problem is that most teachers seem to have difficulty in gauging what teaching activities they might use besides the two traditional pedagogy: lecturing and dictating notes.

The number of times that a teacher even asks a question in a one-hour class period is remarkably low. In-depth, sustained discussions where students respond to other students as well as to the teacher are extremely rare.

ENSEMBLE offer ideas with improved way of teaching by fusing all types of application tools like animation, graphics, maps and diagrams for conceptual clarity. This is the experience beyond learning. Based on this type of learning the students can definitely excel in jobs/services of their choice.