
  1. Bring out the role of irrigation in rural development of India. (88)
  2. Analyse the spatial patterns of the utilization of groundwater for tube-well irrigation in  different parts of India. (89)
  3. Discuss the spatial variation in the development levels of canal irrigation in India in relation to the physical setting. (90)
  4. Discuss the importance of irrigation in India agriculture and describe the methods of irrigation practised in either the Ganga Valley or the Karnataka-Maharashtra region. (96)
  5. Discuss the role of infrastructural, scientific and technological developments in the recent transformation of India agriculture. (95)
  6. Critically examine the role of infrastructural and institutional factors in the recent transformation of India agriculture. (99)
  7. Examine the relevance of linkage of rivers in India with special reference to Ganga-Cauveri linkage canal. 2012)
  8. Critically analyse the spatial development of irrigation in India and examine its impact on agricultural development.
  9. Compare and contrast major and minor irrigation development projects in terms of its potential, development and impact.
  10. Describe the relative significance of minor irrigation schemes and show what role do they play in future in ecological or economic terms.
  11. Canal irrigation in India.
  12. Well irrigation in India.
  13. Tank irrigation in India.
  14. Sprinkler irrigation in India.
  15. Problems of irrigation development in India.
  16. Structural changes in irrigation development in India.
  17. Role of well irrigation in agricultural development
  18. Role of canal irrigation in agricultural development.
  19. Impact of irrigation on agricultural development.
  20. Canal irrigation has led to monocropping in India. Explain with suitable examples.2020 21.


  1. Role of seeds in agricultural development.
  2. Significance of seeds in India.


  1. Patterns of Fertiliser utilisation in India.
  2. Nutrient status of Indian soils and the measures to increase the status.
  3. Problems of fertiliser utilisation and role of integrated nutrient management.
  4. Discuss the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in agriculture and its impact on human health
  5. Elucidate the benefits of coated urea scheme for Indian agriculture. 2020


  1. Forms of rural power and is significance in India.
  2. Significance of power in agricultural development.

Institutional factors-land holdings, land tenure and land reforms

  1. Explain the role of institutional factors in the development of agriculture in India. (93)
  2. Impact of land tenure on agricultural productivity in India. (2011)
  3. Discuss the concept of land reform and indicate its importance for promoting agricultural development in India. (85)
  4. Critically examine the role of infrastructural and institutional factors in the recent transformation of India agriculture. (99)
  5. Discuss the role of institutional factors in shaping the pattern of Indian agriculture. (2013)
  6. Explain how modernization of Indian agriculture is affected by unfavourable institutional factors with suitable examples. (2015)
  7. Role of institutional factors in the transformation of Indian agriculture
  8. Land reform is a key to modern agriculture in India. Describe various measures taken in this direction after Independence. (2017)

Cropping pattern

  1. See crop combination
  2. The Indian cropping pattern in the result of its geographical, economic and historical factors. Critically analysis.

Agricultural productivity

  1. Discuss the role of institutional factors in the efficiency and productivity of agricultural in India (98)
  2. Differentiate between agricultural efficiency and agricultural Productivity and discuss the methods used in the determination of agricultural efficiency in India.(94)
  3. Define agricultural productivity. Mention the methods of its measurement and bring out the disparities in its regional distribution. (2013)
  4. Distinguish between ‘agricultural productivity’ and ‘agricultural efficiency, and bring out the

disparity in regional distribution of agricultural efficiency. (2015)

  1. Discuss the role of agricultural inputs in increasing the productivity of Indian agriculture.
  2. Critically analyse the role of various factors in determining the agricultural productivity. Suggest measures to increase the productivity on a sustainable basis.

Agricultural intensity

  1. Analyse the relationship between cropping intensity and agricultural productivity and throw light on the measures of increasing cropping intensity of India. (88)
  2. What are the factors hat has determined the intensity of cropping? How intensity has helped increasing agricultural productivity.
  3. Define agricultural intensity and bring out its regional distribution in India. (2016)

Crop combination

  1. Analyse critically whether the existing cropping in different parts of India would need any change for better agriculture performance in future. (90)
  2. Discuss the cropping patterns in different agricultural regions of India. (98)
  3. Discuss the factors that has determined the cropping pattern and crop combination in spatial context. Give a brief account of problems of any one of them and its solutions.

Land capability

  1. What is the significance of land capability classification in land use planning ? Explain the method of long capability classification adopted by the All India land use and Soil Survey Organisation. (90).

Agro-and social forestry

  1. Comment on the role of social forestry in the economy of India. (83)
  2. Discuss the role of social forestry in any one region of India. (92)
  3. Examine the significance of social forestry in the rural economy of India. (97)
  4. Agro-forestry in India. (2011)
  5. Why has agro and social forestry has failed to achieve its objectives? (2014)
  6. Discuss the concept of Social Forestry. Make an appraisal of social forestry in India and suggest measures on how it can be made successful.
  7. Critically analyse the development of social forestry in India.
  8. Social forestry has been successful in those areas where public participation has been greater. Discuss the spatial context of Social Forestry

Green revolution and its socio-economics and ecological implications

  1. What is meant by Green Revolution? Explain its successes and failures. (92)
  2. Discuss the impact of green revolution on the agricultural production in India. (97)
  3. Give a critical account of the recent changes in agriculture in India, which have contributed to the agricultural development in general, and the green revolution in particular. (80)
  4. Critically evaluate the dual impacts of green revolution in India. (2002)
  5. What were the components of Green Revolution? What made GR successful in Punjab and why it has been unsuccessful elsewhere. Analyse.
  6. Green Revolution has created more problems that it has solved. Discuss Green Revolution in the light of the social-economic and ecological impact.
  7. “India has paid heavily for achievement of Green Revolution in the form of economic, social and ecological cost.” Discuss. (In about 200 words) (2016)

Significance of dry farming

  1. Explain the distribution and characteristics of dry zone agriculture. (92)
  2. ‘In spite of various negative impacts of Green Revolution, there is a demand for New Green Revolution’. Elaborate. (2014)
  3. Discuss the problems of agricultural development in the arid and semi-arid regions of India. (84)
  4. Give an account of the infrastructural factors necessary for promoting agricultural development in the dry zones of India with specific example.(86)
  5. Discuss the problems and prospects of dry zone agriculture in India and highlight strategies and schemes for its development. (2006)
  6. With the help of a map, indicate the principal areas of dryland farming in the country and

account for farmers’ suicides mainly in those areas. (2015)

  1. What is the significance of dry land farming in India. What can be done to develop dry land areas.
  2. Problems of dry land areas and integrated dry land development.
  3. Explain the significance of dry farming in drought prone areas of India

Livestock resources and White Revolution

  1. Discuss the problems of livestock raising in India. (83)
  2. Dairy Industry in India (84)
  3. What is meant by ‘Operation Flood’? Discuss the manner of its implementation and its success in India. (91)
  4. Discuss the role of animal husbandry in the agricultural economy of India with special reference to any one region. (91)
  5. Write an essay on the role of animal husbandry and household industries in the development of rural economy in India. (99)
  6. Present an account of the success and constraints of White Revolution in India. (2005)
  7. Discuss the scope of replication of White Revolution’ in lndia. (2015)
  8. Discuss the components of White Revolution in India, and analyse its impact on the regional economy.
  9. Role of livestock in rural development
  10. Role of animal husbandry in agricultural development.
  11. Distinguish between White and Green revolution and analyse their role in regional development.
  12. Problems of dairy farming in India.


  1. Give an account of potentiality and prospects of development of marine resources of India. (2011)
  2. Aquaculture determining the coastal economic system of India.
  3. Give suggestions for aquaculture development in India


  1. Future of sericulture in India

Apiculture & Poultry

  1. Poultry and apiculture in the role of strengthening the rural economy.

Agricultural regionalisation

  1. Outline the agricultural regions of India indicating the bases of regionalization. Bring out the factors responsible for the emergence of different crop combination in different regions. (87)
  2. Divide Peninsular India into agricultural regions. Explain the basis of such a regionalisation (97)
  3. Identify the main industrial clusters of India and account for their development. (2013)
  4. Explain the method of delineating crop-association regions with reference to India. (2013)
  5. Impact of failure of Monsoon on Gujarat Agro-climate zone. (2012)
  6. Divide India into agricultural regions and critically examine the role of ecological and human factors responsible for transformation of agricultural economy in any one region. (2012)

Agro-climatic zones

  1. Identify the spatial pattern of agro-industrial regions of India. Analyse the potentiality of Malwa as an important agro-industrial region of the future.(2012)
  2. Discuss the potentiality and present status of horticulture in the Western and Central  Himalaya. (2013)
  3. Examine the geographical basis of agro-climatic planing regions of India. (2001)
  4. Discuss the bases of identifying agro-climatic zones and explain the core strategies for agriculture development. (2008)
  5. Discuss the factors hat has determined the cropping pattern and crop combination in spatial context. Give a brief account of problems of any one of them and its solutions.
  6. Divide India into various agro climatic zones and briefly discuss its main characteristics.
  7. Discuss the significance of Agro Climatic Zonation for India. Argue in favour of and against of such an approach.
  8. Correlate the agro-climatic zones with agro-ecological regions of India

Agro-ecological regions

  1. Agro-ecological zones

Other Topics (Miscellaneous)

  1. Prospects of Rainbow Revolution in India. (2011)
  2. Discuss the potentiality and present status of horticulture in the Western and Central Himalaya. (2013)
  3. Identify the spatial pattern of agro-industrial regions of India. Analyse the potentiality of Malwa as an important agro-industrial region of the future. (2013)
  4. Examine the ongoing process of agricultural diversification and its implications for food security in India.
  5. 114.


Mixed Interrelated and interdisciplinary nature Questions

  1. Social forestry became a programme rather than people’s movement, and hence it failed.Comment
  2. Analyse the causes of nutrient deficiency in Indian soils. What suggestions will you give for a sustainable nutrient management policy.
  3. Analyse the recent development that have contributed to aquaculture. To what extent, these developments have contributed to fisheries development?
  4. Analyse the role of Livestock resources in rural power.
  5. Discuss the distribution of Diversion Weirs as a medium of irrigation. Why they have not been as effective and how can they be supplemented in various ways to bring about a sustainable rural development
  6. Discuss the extent and consequence of fertiliser use in India.
  7. Discuss the emerging problems of irrigation in India and examine the solution prospects provided by ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.’
  8. Discuss the major problems of seed sector in India. How does the revised Seeds Bill 2011 aims to tackle these issues?
  9. Evaluate the success and impact of land reform measures taken by India since Independence.
  10. “The institutional factors have grip over the crop pattern and crop production on Indian agriculture.” Justify
  11. Discuss the impact of green revolution on the cropping pattern of India.
  12. Highlight the components of National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture.
  13. “Peculiar characteristics of the dry zone agriculture in India call for a completely new approach where greater resilience and lower risk need to be promoted.” Discuss.
  14. Discuss the challenges faced by the dairy sector in India today.
  15. Discuss the distribution, population dynamics and potential of the indigenous cattle population in India. How can improvement in the indigenous cattle be achieved in India?
  16. Despite various strengths and opportunities of the sericulture industry in India, several weakness and threats remain.” Discuss
  17. Analyse the status and prospects of apiculture in India.
  18. Discuss the significant characteristics of the cropping pattern of India. How can the government influence the cropping pattern?
  19. Discuss the causes of low productivity in Indian agriculture.
  20. Explain the method of delineating crop combination regions with reference to India.
  21. What do you understand by land capability classification? Explain the method of land capability classification adopted by All India Land Use and Soil Survey Organisation in India. Also highlight the significance of such a classification in land use planning.
  22. “The concept of agro-ecological regions is an improvement over the idea of agro-climatic zones.” Discuss.
  23. Discuss the possibility and strategy for development of agriculture in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  24. Discuss the root causes of agrarian distress in India. How is it got excaberated by low productivity of farms.
  25. Distinguish between ‘agricultural productivity’ and ‘agricultural efficiency, and bring out the disparity in regional distribution of agricultural efficiency with causative aspects.
  26. Social forestry has been successful in those areas where public participation has been greater. Discuss the spatial context of Social Forestry
  27. Green Revolution has created more problems that it has solved. Discuss Green Revolution in the light of the social-economic and ecological impact.
  28. Draw a flow chat to show how Green Revolution has been very degrading for India.
  29. Discuss the extent and consequence of fertiliser use in India.
  30. Evaluate the success of land reform measures taken by India since Independence. What would be the impact of allowing 100% FDI in multi-brand retail trade?
  31. Highlight the components of second Green Revolution and expalin why will it be successful.
  32. “The concept of agro-ecological regions is an improvement over the idea of agro-climatic zones.” Discuss.
  33. Bring out the role of irrigation in rural development of India.
  34. Discuss the importance of irrigation in India agriculture and how has it harmed sustainable agriculture?
  35. Describe the methods of irrigation practised in either the Ganga Valley or the Karnataka- Maharashtra region, with reasons.
  36. What is meant by recent transformation of India agriculture. To what extent is this transformation sustainable?
  37. Discuss the role of infrastructural, scientific and technological developments in agricultural development.
  38. Compare and contrast major and minor irrigation development projects in terms of its potential, development and impact.
  39. Describe the relative significance of minor irrigation schemes and show what role do they play in future in ecological or economic terms.
  40. Give a brief account of the nutrient status of Indian soils and the measures to increase the status.
  41. What are the problems of fertiliser utilisation and role of integrated nutrient management.
  42. Explain the different forms of rural power and is significance in India.
  43. Explain the role of institutional factors in the development of agriculture in India.
  44. Impact of land tenure on agricultural productivity in India.
  45. Discuss the concept of land reform and indicate its importance for promoting agricultural development in India.
  46. Critically examine the role of technological factors and government’s scheme in the recent transformation of India agriculture.
  47. Discuss the role of institutional factors in shaping the pattern of Indian agriculture.
  48. Explain how modernization of Indian agriculture is affected by unfavourable institutional factors with suitable examples.
  49. Role of institutional factors in the transformation of Indian agriculture
  50. The Indian cropping pattern now is more the result of policy intervention rather than geographical economic and historical factors. Critically analysis.
  51. Discuss the role of institutional factors in the efficiency and productivity of agricultural in India.
  52. Discuss the role of agricultural inputs in increasing the productivity of Indian agriculture.
  53. Critically analyse the role new type of various factors in determining the agricultural productivity. Suggest measures to increase the productivity on a sustainable basis.
  54. Define agricultural intensity and bring out its regional distribution in India.
  55. Analyse the set of factors that have started influencing the law of diminishing returns in Indian agriculture. Do you think that the present form of agriculture can be sustained economically and ecologically?
  56. Pickup any two agricultural regions of India which are facing unsustainable situation and suggest a sustainable agricultural development policy.
  57. Prepare an agricultural development plan which will meet twin objectives of productivity and sustainability in Rajasthan region.
  58. Water use has become a major issue in agriculture. Identity areas of water wastage and inefficiency and suggest ways to find a sustainable solution.