Concept of region

  1. What is a region? Discuss the types of regions and the methods of regionalization. (2000)
  2. What is a region? Discuss the methods of regionalisation. (2005)
  3. What is the concept of region? Discuss the types of regions. (2006)
  4. The boundaries of the regions are more perceived than actually determined quantitatively. Give arguments in favour and against your answer
  5. Concept of region
  6. What is a ‘region’? Describe ‘Thiessen’ polygon method of regional delimitation. (2016)
  7. What are natural regions? How are they different from planning regions?

Types of regions and methods of regionalisation

  1. What is a region? Discuss the types of regions and the methods of regionalization. (2000)
  2. What is a region? Discuss the methods of regionalisation. (2005)
  3. Vital statistics are necessary ingredients for development planning Elaborate. (2015)

Growth centres and growth poles

  1. Critically examine the role of growth centres and growth poles in regional development process. (2001)
  2. Growth Poles. (2004)
  3. Growth Poles. (2010)
  4. Discuss the Growth Pole Theory of Perroux and its modification by Boudeville.
  5. Discuss the Growth Pole Theory and its applicability of Indian context.
  6. Write a note on “forward and backward linkages” in Perroux’s thesis of economic growth and regional development.

Regional imbalances

  1. Discuss various strategies for correcting regional imbalances. (2004)
  2. Regional imbalances. (2003)
  3. “Geographical traits lead to regional imbalances” Examine. (2015)
  4. Analyse the causes of regional imbalances in India. What steps can be taken for tacking regional imbalances in the country.

Regional development strategies

  1. Enumerate alternative strategies of planning for backward regions.(2011)
  2. In what ways can geographers contribute towards land use planning in a region? (2016)

Environmental issues in regional planning

  1. Highlights the significance of environmental issues in Regional Planning.. (2009)
  2. What are the various issues for environmental planning? What type of planning is required for sustainable development in various sectors?

Planning for sustainable development

  1. See sustainable development
  2. Analyse the issues of Sustainability in Planning
  3. See sustainable development
  4. Highlight the significance of environmental issues in Regional Planning.


Experience of regional planning in India

  1. Examine the regional development policy of India in various Five Year Plans. (2004)
  2. Discuss the experience of regional planning in India in the context of the National Capital Region. (2005)
  3. Regional Planning in India. (86)

Planning in Five Year Plans

  1. Analyse the prevailing patterns of regional disparities in the socio-economic development of India and evaluate the role of the five-year plans in reducing them. (89)

Integrated rural development programmes

  1. What is meant by integrated rural development planning what are its components? What has been the extent of its success in relation to its objectives? (90)
  2. Discuss the policies of and programmes of Integrated Rural Development Programmes in India.(2007)

Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning

  1. Discuss Panchayati Raj as a measure of decentralised planning in India. (2005)
  2. Critically examine the Panchayati Raj setup.(2007)
  3. Decentralized planning through the strengthening of the Panchayat system is the focus of planning in India in recent times. Suggest a blueprint for an integrated regional development plan. (2015)
  4. Discuss the role of decentralised planning and Panchayati Raj institution in balanced regional development.
  5. “An effective three-tier Panchayat Raj System will strengthen the bottom-up approach to multilevel planning in India.” Explain. (2017
  6. Examine the role of people’s participation in successful decentralized planning in India.
  7. The success of Panchayati Raj depends upon meaningful participation of people at grassroot level. Examine. 2020

Command area development

  1. Discuss the problems and Prospects of development of catchment and command areas. (2008)
  2. Discuss the concept of Command Area Development and evaluate its success with reference to Indira Gandhi Canal.(2014)
  3. Explain the concept of Command Area Development in respect of Multi-Purpose Projects of India. (2003)
  4. Discuss the reasons behind the launch of the Command Area Development Programme. To what extent it has been able to fulfil its objectives.
  5. Discuss the objectives of Command Area Development Programme. What have been the main hurdles in the attainment of these objectives.

Watershed management

  1. Explain the concept of watershed and its utility in land management (2001).
  2. Salient features of watershed planning and its advantages and disadvantages.(2012)
  3. How is drainage pattern determined by the water divide? (2014)
  4. Analyse the significance of watershed for balanced habitat development. Discuss the problems and planning for watershed development.
  5. How can watershed management lead to the conservation of soil, water and land. Discuss taking examples from India.
  6. Discuss how watershed management has become a tool in eradication of rural poverty in India

Planning for backward area

  1. Evaluate the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme. (2014)
  2. Is planning for a cluster of villages a viable option, when planning for backward areas of the country? Discuss with suitable examples. (2015)
  3. What has been done for the development of backward areas. Critically examine the various approaches.
  4. Assess the importance of foot-loose industries in the development of backward regions in India.

Planning for desert drought-prone areas

  1. Explain the criteria used in the identification of drought-prone areas in India. (96)
  2. Comment on the criteria of identifying Drought Prone Areas in India.(2014)
  3. Discuss the programmes and policy of development of dry areas in India. (2003)
  4. Make a critical appraisal of the DPAP.
  5. Analyse the problems of dryland areas. How DPAP can solve these problems.
  6. Giving reasons, identify the drought prove area of India.

Planning for hill development

  1. How can a meaningful skill development programme contribute to the economic growth of hill areas? (2014)
  2. What are the peculiar problems of the Hill Area. What can be done to develop the Hill Areas. Discuss.
  3. Enumerate the major objectives of the Hill Area Development Plan and discuss the difficulties involved in realising the objectives.

Planning for tribal area development

  1. Explain the salient features of the tribal development programme with particular reference to either Dandakaranya or Chhotanagpur. 1996
  2. Salient features of Tribal area planning. (92)
  3. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in development of Tribal areas. (2002)
  4. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in the development of Tribal area. (2012)
  5. Planning and development of ‘Tribal Regions’ in India. (2013)
  6. Discuss the problems of tribal areas and critically analyse the TADP
  7. What were the objectives behind the Area Development Programmes. Discuss in brief the various Area Development Programmes
  8. Identitying areas covered under tribal sub-plan discuss the programmes initiated to address their problems. 2020

Multi-level planning

  1. Examine critically the advantages and disadvantages of multi-level planning with special reference to India. (92)
  2. Significance of District Planning in India. (88)
  3. Evaluate the benefits of Block Level development planning in India. (97)
  4. Explain the concept of multi-level planning in India. (2000)
  5. Discuss the concept of multi-level planning as practised in India, and explain the implications of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments in this respect. (2015)

Regional planning and development of Island territories

  1. Highlight the need for an integrated regional planning for the social economic and cultural development of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  2. Classify Indian Islands and taking into account their problems suggest a road map for sustainable island development.
  3. Discuss the strategies of integrated development of island territories in India

Regional disparities in economic development

  1. Analyse the causes of regional disparities in the economic development of India and suggest measures for their removal. (99)
  2. Give a reasoned account of regional disparities in economic development in India and bring out the contribution of decentralised planning in solving this problem. (2002)
  3. Explain the causes of regional disparities in economic development of India. (2003)
  4. Explain the processes and patterns of regional disparities in India and suggest suitable  measures for bringing about the regional balances. (2006)
  5. Major causes for regional disparities in the development of India. (93)
  6. Magnitude of regional imbalance in economic development in India. (1996)
  7. Digital Divide in India needs quick redressal to reduce regional disparity in development. Elaborate with suitable examples. 2020

Regional Disparity

  1. Enumerate the basic indicators of development and explain their application in identification. 2013
  2. Reduction in regional disparities has been one of the priority goals of national planning in India. How the proposed new Smart urban centres may contribute to the process? (2015)
  3. Examine the causes of regional disparities in economic development in India. (In about 200 words) (2016)
  4. Analyse the role of interstate migration in regional disparity in India
  5. Analyse the incentive oriented programmes for removing regional imbalances in socio-economic development of India.


Mixed Interrelated and interdisciplinary nature Questions

  1. What is a region? Discuss the types of regions and the methods of regionalization.
  2. The boundaries of the regions are more perceived than actually determined quantitatively. Give arguments in favour and against your answer
  3. What is a ‘region’? Describe ‘Thiessen’ polygon method of regional delimitation.
  4. Vital statistics are necessary ingredients for development planning Elaborate.
  5. Critically examine the role of growth centres and growth poles in regional development process.
  6. Discuss the Growth Pole Theory of Perroux and its modification by Boudeville.
  7. Discuss the Growth Pole Theory and its applicability of Indian context.
  8. “Geographical traits lead to regional imbalances” Examine.
  9. Enumerate alternative strategies of planning for backward regions.
  10. In what ways can geographers contribute towards urban palnning planning in a region?
  11. Highlights the significance of environmental issues in Regional Planning.
  12. What are the various issues for environmental planning? What type of planning is required for sustainable development in various sectors?
  13. Highlight the significance of environmental issues in Regional Planning.
  14. Prepare a sustainable development model for Middle Eastern Countries.
  15. The boundaries of the regions are more perceived than actually determined quantitatively. Give arguments in favour and against your answer.
  16. Discuss the concept, types of regions and the methods of regionalization.
  17. The boundaries of the regions are more perceived than actually determined quantitatively. Give arguments in favour and against your answer
  18. Critically examine the role of growth centres and growth poles in regional development process.
  19. Discuss the Growth Pole Theory and its applicability of Indian context.
  20. Regional imbalances are because of geographical traits. Examine.
  21. Enumerate alternative strategies of planning for backward regions
  22. What are the various issues for environmental planning? What type of planning is required for sustainable development in various sectors?
  23. Analyse the issues of Sustainability in Planning
  24. Enumerate different strategies for Island development.
  25. How the implementation of GST in India affect the global economy?
  26. Highlight the major problems faced by Indian tribes.
  27. How can the inter-regional imbalances be curbed in India? Analyse.
  28. India should move towards spatial specialisation rather than think of balanced regional development. Support your answer with arguments.
  29. Explain freight equalisation policy of Government. How did it lead to backwardness of Bihar.
  30. Trace a regional development plan for Chambal region.