Associates and Alliances

WE is an effort of more than two decade, where the persons behind this concept learned, understood the various aspects of Youth and the way they can be given certain opportunities, for some period being youth themselves and for some observing them from far.
It’s a fusion of experience with aggression served to Youth, so that they can be benefited.
WE is an initiative taken by the Youth, under the guidance of some enlightening mentors and with the support of excellence of some the achievers of their fields.
Youth are vibrant, dynamic and so that the WE. It matches the pace of youth to understand their need. It refines itself in response of any viable feedback.
WE is an institution, which brings the solution of diverse Youth problem under a single roof. WE is an organization which work for empowering, benefiting youth, without gaining any personal profits.

Associates with AA&G is an endeavour of former UPSC members, the best minds of India, bureaucrats with formidable reputation and academicians of world repute. It aims at transforming the youth and providing them with a clean, clear and secure path to their career and future
Perception & Knowledge Management Systems
Perception & Knowledge Management Integration System. An organisation devoted to corporate training, political training, and image management and to provide advisory role to TV Channels, Governments and educational institutions.
The various wings of Perception and Knowledge Management Integration Systems include
- Forming a Syndicate of (a) Teachers (b) Trainers (c) Consultants (d) Authors (e) Reporters
- Image Management of (a) Public Figures (b) Political Personalities (c) Film Personalities (d) Business houses
- Running Training Courses/Transformation Courses for (a) Teachers (b) Civil Services aspirants (c) Social Workers (d) Policy aspirants/budding politicians
- Alternatively, another model that working simultaneously is the training of the entire middle-class workforce, that will include – housewives, retailers, drivers, salesmen, maids, servants, domestic help, and pujaris. The training comprises of
- Skill enhancement
- Behavioural modification
- Etiquette
- Language training
- Political & brand loyalty training

CSTV- Our Channel partner
CSTV has been conceived with an avowed aim to bring about a transformation in the mindset of the people using knowledge and perception management in an emerging gig economy like India.
Exposure to half knowledge, half cooked truths, and distorted perceptions along with poor reception and retention of information and knowledge has led to degradation in the quality of thinking, quality of expression and quality of perception balance. The proliferation of channels also means that there has been discussions on redundant stale topics involving non deserving panellist’s and anchors.
Our country has moved and jumped straight from print media teaching to video learning surpassing all intervening stages.
It is these issues and these limitations and prospects, that a need was observed to have an exclusive digital platform — Civil Services TV. By using audio-visual programs on diverse array of topics which are niche topics, specialised topics and topics that are rarely treated with comprehensive approach and multi perspective manner, and that too in most diverse manner possible-use of multimedia, use of story line explanation, use of graphics and animations we intend to help students to prepare themselves better for civil services without getting further stressed out.
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Trans Brahma
Be a think tank for the 21st century world
and aid Policy makers and Action Economist, Geographers, Economists,
Sociologists and Scientists of the
world. To build an intellectual and social capital for a trans frontier
contact, implementation and action.
Bringing Knowledge Economy into frontline
by integrating Real Conversation, Speeches, Panel Discussion, Publication and
Channel, Literary festivals and
Branding avant garde Concepts and thinking.
To have a transfrontier presence worldwide
for environmental, political, and social dialogues and understandings of the
newly evolving world from multi perspectives.

Amity University
With Amity University, Ensemble had had two webinars and we look forward to being closely guiding the students there.

Kisalaya Publications
Kisalaya Publications Pvt. Ltd., is our publishing partner. Kislaya believes in delivering quality content at reasonable prices with competitive royalties and aggressive marketing. We believe in leveraging on the latest publishing technology to deliver quality products and services for the benefit of our customers specially to the aspirants of Civil Services (both Union and State).