Government of India has banned single use plastic from July 1st 2022
• Manufacturing, imports, stocking, distribution, sale and use of following single use plastic will be banned from 1st July 2022.
• The name single use plastic is self-explanatory. Basket used for packaging items, bottles, polythene bags, face mask, coffee cup, trash bags, food packaging etc are included in single use plastic.
• Single use plastic accounts for third of all plastic produced globally. 130 million metric tons of single use plastic is discarded which is burned, buried in landfills discarded directly into the environment.
• India’s net generation of single use plastic is 5.6 MMT ranking India at 94 out of top 100 countries of single use plastic waste generation.
• Central pollution control board has announced ban on ear buds, balloon sticks, candy and ice cream sticks, cutlery items, sweet boxes, invitation cards, cigarette packs, PVC banners measuring under 100 microns.
• Polythene bags under 75 Micron to expand in 2021 which was expanded from 50 microns. Now the band has been extended to 120 microns.
• Plastic is easy to recycle and manufacturers have been given time to upgrade their machinery for 120 microns plastic.
• Smaller plastic is difficult to collect. It remains in the environment which turns into to micro plastic entering our food resources and human body.
• Send pollution control board and state pollution control board will report to Centre regularity to monitor the ban. Industries will be ordered to not to supply of material to industries engaged in the banned items.
• Those who are found violating the ban can be penalised under our Environment protection Act 1986 which will allow imprisonment up to 5 years or penalty up to 1 lakh or both.
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