Draupadi Murmu

Congratulations to our First Citizen Draupadi Murmu President of India

Congratulations to our First Citizen Draupadi Murmu Mahamahim Draupadi Murmu (born 20 June 1958) is an Indian politician who is elected as the 15th President of India.

She hailed from Baidaposi village of Mayurbhanj District, Odisha. She is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. She is the first-ever person from the Tribal community to be elected as the President of India.

Mahamahim Murmu is the first person from Odisha and only the second woman after Pratibha Patil to occupy this post. Prior to her presidency she served as the ninth Governor of Jharkhand between 2015 and 2021 and held various portfolios in the cabinet of Government of Odisha between 2000 to 2004.

Before entering politics, she worked as a junior assistant in the State Irrigation and Power Department from 1979 to 1983, and then as a teacher at Sri Aurobindo Integral Education Centre at Rairangpur till 1997.

Mahamahim Draupadi Murmu belongs to the forest dependent Santhal tribe of Odisha. The tribe is spread over four states and is India’s largest scheduled tribe after the Bhils and Gonds. More than 84 million people belonging to 698 communities spread across India are identified as members of scheduled tribes.

Even after 72 years of independence, they continue to be marginalized —socially, economically and culturally. Even today these tribes are poor and lack access to healthcare and education in remote villages.

Honorable Murmur’s election will be historic in the sense that our country’s downtrodden has now got a representation at the topmost level of the country. Murmu’s elevation to president is considered as a triumph of tribal political aspirations and a breakthrough moment for the community, which has long been neglected and exploited under several governments. She can prove to be a great hope for a community!

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