Adolescent Girl Nutrition _GS Paper 2 _Social Issues

Adolescent Girl Nutrition | GS Paper 2 | Social Issues |

Adolescent- GS Paper 2 (Social Issues)


Increasing availability to nourishment during this “second window of opportunity of growth” throughout adolescence, which is a critical time for cognitive development, makes up for whatever nutrient shortages girls may have experienced during their early developmental phases.

So, the nation has a huge chance to increase its demographic dividend by funding nutrition treatments for adolescent girls.

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Adolescent Girl Nutrition

Due to the advent of menstruation, adolescent females are particularly susceptible to undernutrition and anaemia. These worries are confirmed by the results of the National Family Health Survey-5 (2019–21), which indicated that a startling 59.1% of adolescent females were anaemic. The NFHS-4 data also revealed that over 41.9% of school-aged girls were underweight, which highlights a concerning trend.


Consequences of Overlooking

  • Diets that are inadequately balanced and balanced can cause cognitive problems that have an impact on a student’s academic performance. 
  • Lower educational attainment as a result may limit prospects for employment and financial independence later in life. 
  • Adolescent girls who are undernourished are also more likely to develop chronic illnesses and experience pregnancy problems, which can place a greater financial burden on families and communities and increase poverty.

Measures to Curb

  • Good Nutrition along with Life-cycle approach
  • Under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition programme (POSHAN) 2.0 – The Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG).
  • Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) 
  • Training of Health Workers for Effective implementation and monitoring of the Health Schemes.

How Nutrition Affects Women

Women are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies than men are, for reasons including women’s reproductive biology, low social status, poverty, and lack of education. Sociocultural traditions and disparities in household work patterns can also increase women’s chances of being malnourished. Globally, 50 percent of all pregnant women are anemic, and at least 120 million women in less developed countries are underweight.2 Research shows that being underweight hinders women’s productivity and can lead to increased rates of illness and mortality. In some regions, the majority of women are underweight: In South Asia, for example, an estimated 60 percent of women are underweight.

Adolescent Girl Nutrition

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