Global South
“Global South” is not a geographical phrase. Instead, it refers to a variety of political, geopolitical, and economic similarities among states. It refers to a variety of nations that are frequently labelled as “developing,” “less developed,” or “underdeveloped.”
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The fact that the phrase “Global South” has become widely used and has become a unifying identity for many of the nations it refers to is a positive development. This union has given rise to the South-South Cooperation of the United Nations, a grouping of nations in the Global South whose major objective is to assist in resolving shared problems such poverty, population growth, war, disease, and border concerns. Participating nations improve their technological prowess, increase their level of independence, and improve their ability to compete on the world market.
The fact that the phrase “Global South” has become widely used and has become a unifying identity for many of the nations it refers to is a positive development. This union has given rise to the South-South Cooperation of the United Nations, a grouping of nations in the Global South whose major objective is to assist in resolving shared problems such poverty, population growth, war, disease, and border concerns.
Participating nations in the SSC develop their technological prowess, increase their level of independence, and improve their ability to compete on the world market.
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