Hiroshima AI Process (HAP) 

Hiroshima AI Process (HAP) – GS Paper 2 – International Relations and GS Paper 3 – Science and Tech

Hiroshima AI Process (HAP) 

Recent G7 summit held at Hiroshima, Japan have initiated a Hiroshima AI Process (HAP) to regulate the Artificial Intelligence across the globe.

About G7

Leaders from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States make up the G7, also known as the Group of Seven. Leaders of the G7 member countries gather yearly for a summit to debate economic policy and other global issues. The G7 was first established in the 1970s.

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About HAP

By the end of this year, establish the Hiroshima AI process through a G7 working group, in a way that is inclusive and in collaboration with the OECD and GPAI. Major points in the discussion will be –

  • Governance
  • Safeguard of the Intellectual Property Rights
  • Transparency
  • Response to foreign information manipulation, including disinformation, and 
  • Responsible utilisation of these technologies


The HAP is anticipated to be finished by December 2023. AI implementation and development must adhere to the principles of liberty, democracy, and human rights. Values and the concepts that underpin regulation must be connected. The communiqué also emphasises fairness, responsibility, openness, and safety with this goal in mind.


By outlining guiding rules and concepts pertaining to AI and IPR, the HAP can assist the G7 nations in reaching a consensus on this matter. For instance, the procedure can make it clearer what the ‘fair use’ doctrine entails and how it applies to different uses of AI.


The “fair use” provision is typically used to permit activities like teaching, research, and criticism to continue without first requesting permission from the copyright-owner to use their materials. It is debatable whether using copyrighted information in datasets for machine learning is considered fair use.


Ultimately, the creation of the HAP demonstrates that AI governance has evolved into a really global problem that is likely to continue to be contentious in the future.

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