National Research Foundation - GS Paper 3 - Science and Technology

National Research Foundation – GS Paper 3 – Science and Technology

National Research Foundation – GS Paper 3 – Science & Technology


By serving as a liaison between researchers, other governmental agencies, and industry, the NRF hopes to integrate business into the research process.


The NRF intends to nurture, grow, and promote research in India’s institutions, particularly State universities, in addition to awarding individual academic research grants. It does this by sponsoring research facilities and researchers.

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The NRF will be funded for five years with a budget of 50,000 crore, of which 28% (or 14,000 crore) will come from the government and 72% (or 36,000 crore) from the private sector. The NRF draft suggests that the government’s stake will eventually rise to Rs 20,000 crore annually. 


The budget of the current Science and Engineering Research Board, which would be merged under the NRF, will be utilized for the government’s portion of the project in the amount of 4,000 crore. As a result, the government has allocated an extra 10,000 crore for the NRF over the following five years.


NRF promotes “ease of performing science”


  • First, there must be little to no waiting time, ideally less than six months, between applying for and getting a research grant. Although the NRF draft states that the peer-review process will be finished in six months, it might take longer to release cash while waiting for financial approval.
  • Second, all paperwork must be processed online rather than being sent to the NRF in stacks of hard copies.
  • Thirdly, to free the scientist to concentrate on research, all financial-related inquiries, documentation, approval, and acceptance must be made between the NRF and the finance department of the university or research institution.
  • The General Financial Regulations (GFR) and the use of the government’s e-Marketplace (GeM) must not be used as the NRF’s explicit expenditure guidelines. Independent financial regulations are necessary for scientific research because they allow for flexibility and hold scientists accountable.
  • Money must be released promptly. Despite the timely disbursal of money being mentioned in the NRF draft, a system must exist to enable and accomplish this.


The National Science Foundation of the United States serves as a major inspiration for the proposed NRF. It takes some of the greatest techniques from the science agencies in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, South Korea, and Singapore.


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