Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans

  1. Draw a hypsographic curve to represent the major physiographic units of the ocean and comment on their permanency. (91)
  2. Explain and illustrate the ocean floor topography and give a detailed account of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.(96)
  3. Explain and illustrate the submarine relief of the Atlantic Ocean. (98)
  4. Discuss the mid-Atlantic Ridge in terms of origin, extent and relief. (2004)
  5. Ocean bottom relief. (89)
  6. Explain the scientifically sound methods of bathymetry and give an account of the bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean. (2010)
  7. Different layers of ocean water above abyssal plain (2012)
  8. Give an account of the bottom topography of either Pacific, Atlantic or Indian.
  9. Give a brief account of the relief features of Pacific Ocean and analyse the changes in the basin morphometry and physiography in future geological time.
  10. Examine the relationship between ocean bottom relief and maritime geopolitics
  11. Examine economic significance of the resources of the continental shelf of the Indian Ocean.
  12. Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
  13. Describe the configuration of the Pacific Ocean floor. (2017)

Temperature of the oceans

  1. “Temperature, salinity and density differences in ocean water are the prime causes of ocean water

circulation.” Elaborate. (2011)

  1. Salinity patterns in Indian Ocean (2011)
  2. Discuss the vertical and horizontal distribution of temperature of the world’s ocean.

Salinity of the oceans

  1. Give a reasoned account of the distribution of salinity in the oceans and partially enclosed seas. (93)
  2. “Temperature, salinity and density differences in ocean water are the prime causes of ocean water circulation.” Elaborate. (2011)
  3. T-S diagram (2000)

Heat and Salt Budget

  1. Comment on marine heat budget and the oceanic Circulation system. (2009)
  2. Salt Budget.
  3. Concept of conservation of oceanic salinity.

Oceans deposits

  1. Present the classification of Oceanic deposits and account for the origin, types and distribution of Pelagic deposits in the World Oceans. (81)
  2. Discuss the sources and nature of various deposits, found on the floor of the oceans. (85)
  3. Discuss the different bases for classifying the ocean deposits and give a detailed account of pelagic deposits of the oceans. (2007)
  4. Pelagic deposits (86)
  5. Pelagic deposits (2004)
  6. Ocean deposits (2010)
  7. Describe the characteristics of different types of pelagic deposits. (2015)

Ocean Waves

  1. Differentiate Storm Surges and Seiches. (2013)
  2. Discuss the mechanism of wave generation and its various forms.
  3. Types of waves
  4. Distinguish between low energy coasts and coral features. (2017)
  5. How are ocean waves formed? Distinguish between a wave of oscillation and a wave of translation.

Ocean currents

  1. Describe and account for the surface currents of the Indian Ocean and explain how and why they differ from those of the Atlantic. (’80)
  2. In the northern part of the Indian ocean there is a complete reversal of currents between winter and summer as a result of the alternating monsoon winds discuss. (82)
  3. Give a reasoned account of the currents of the Atlantic Ocean and their impact on the climatic conditions of the coastal regions. (87)
  4. Ocean currents of Northern Atlantic detail. (2006)
  5. Illustrate the origin and nature of Sargasso Sea and Lagoon. (2014)
  6. Discuss the various factors for the generation of ocean currents with examples.
  7. How are ocean currents generated? Discuss with reference to any one ocean.
  8. Examine the relationship between ocean currents and climatic changes
  9. Give a brief account of ocean circulation, with particular reference to any ocean.
  10. Impact of Ocean currents on climate
  11. What is Thermohaline circulation, and what are the implications of its obstruction.
  12. What are the Changes associated with Ocean Currents as it moves from South Atlantic to Western Europe.
  13. “The relationship between the winds and the currents is best seen in the Indian Ocean.” Justify. (2016)
  14. Explain the currents of the North Atlantic Occan and their significant role in the climate of Western Europe. 2020
  15. 49.


  1. Discuss the various theories of the origin of tides.
  2. Spring and Neap Tides
  3. Stationary wave theory of tides.
  4. Analyse the causes and Impact of tidal bores on river ecosystem.

Coral reefs

  1. Discuss the theories of the formation of coral reefs proposed by Daly, Darwin and Davis. (90)
  2. Examine critically the theories of the formation of coral reefs and atolls. (97)
  3. Describe the ideal conditions for coral reef formation and discuss the glacial control theory of coral reef formation.(2008)
  4. Coral reefs (88)
  5. Formation of coral reefs (2001).
  6. “Atolls present the most challenging explanation in the evolution of coral reefs”, Discuss. (2012)
  7. Compare the Subsidence and Glacial control theories on the formation of coral reefs. (2013)
  8. Illustrate the origin and nature of Sargasso Sea and Lagoon. (2014)
  9. Discuss the different theories of coral reef formation. What are the problems faced by coral structures in recent times?
  10. Impact of Coral Reefs on Economy
  11. Distinguish between low energy coasts and coral features. (2017)

Coral bleaching

  1. Give an account of recent observations on coral bleaching with reference to Clive Wilkinson’s Report. (2014)
  2. Discuss the mechanism of coral bleaching and give some suggestions for their conservation.
  3. Discuss the concept of coral bleaching, its recovery and macroalgal regime shifts due to this process. 2020
  4. 68.

Sea level changes.

  1. Eustatic changes of Sea-level (2007)
  2. What is ‘Base level? Explain the types of base level. (2013)
  3. Why do sea level changes take place? What are the likely effects of sea level changes.
  4. Sea-Level Change
  5. Analyse the possible impact of Sea-Level changes on coastal economy.
  6. Describe the causes and consequences of sea level changes

Marine resources-biotic, mineral and energy resources, Mineral and energy resources

  1. Discuss different types of marine resources and mention their possible utilization.(83)
  2. Give an account of marine resources and discuss their present day utilization. (86)
  3. Marine resources, biotic, mineral and energy resources (97)
  4. Examine economic significance of the resources of the Continental Shelf of the Indian Ocean. (2009)
  5. Examine economic significance of the resources of the continental shelf of the Indian Ocean.
  6. Describe the potential marine energy resources with reference to their benefits, harvestibility and environmental impacts
  7. Marine resources are cconomically very significant. Discuss citing suitable Examples. 2020
  8. 82.

Law of the sea

  1. Trace the evolution of Law of Seas.
  2. Evolution of the law of sea.
  3. Explain Law of the Sea and Blue water Navy as a policy mechanism.
  4. Discuss Maritime Zones. (2016)

Marine Pollution

  1. Give an critical account of reasons and consequences of marine pollution. (2014)
  2. Identify the various sources of marine pollution and give various alternatives to management of marine pollution.
  3. Critically examine the impact of marine pollution on the marine habitat.
  4. Causes, effects and remedies of marine pollution.

Marine Ecology

  1. Uniqueness of fauna in the Notogean realm. (2013)


Mixed Interrelated and interdisciplinary nature Questions

  1. What is Thermohaline circulation, and what are the implications of its obstruction.
  2. Discuss the Karstic Saucer Theory of Atoll formation.
  3. Explain Law of the Sea and Blue water Navy as a policy mechanism.
  4. What are the Changes associated with Ocean Currents as it moves from South Atlantic to Western Europe.
  5. Trace the evolution of Law of Sea.
  6. Explain wave dynamics in closed ocean basins and water bodies.
  7. Examine the Impact of Coral Reefs on Economy, and Describe various Coral Bleaching mechanism
  8. Discuss, with examples, the influence of plate tectonics on Ocean Bottom Relief.
  9. Differentiate between Terrigenous and Lithogenous Deposits
  10. Examine the relationship between ocean bottom relief and maritime geopolitics
  11. The development of marine resources must go side by side of the present state of economic growth in order to achieve sustainable growth.
  12. Explain thermohaline circulation as a means and mechanism of energy balance and the possible disruption it faces from Global warming.
  13. Trace the evolution of Law of Sea as a reflection of worlds changing political order.
  14. Briefly discuss the deep-water marine ecosystem with an additional note on the uniqueness of the system.
  15. What is Langmuir circulation? Explain it along with its distribution.
  16. Explain the mechanism of wave refraction. How do groynes and obstructions affect wave refraction?
  17. What are the Changes associated with approaching waves towards a shore with a headland..
  18. Discuss the origin of sea water and the balance that it maintains in its composition.
  19. Discuss  the  means  and  mechanism  of  thermohaline  circulation  and the  likely impact of its obstruction.
  20. Briefly discuss the coral reef ecosystem centred on the coral and its intricate balance.
  21. Explain the relationship between maritime climate and Atmosphere?
  22. Give a reasoned account of ocean bottom topography of the Atlantic Ocean.
  23. Compare the bottom topography of Atlantic and Indian Ocean.
  24. What are the principal difficulties encountered in determining ocean depth and mapping the seafloor?
  25. Give a reasoned account of temperature distribution on world ocean surface.
  26. What are the principle sources and sinks of elements dissolved in seawater? Explain how the totals of these sources and sinks must be approximately balanced.
  27. Give an account of the major marine biotic provinces.
  28. Analyse the distribution of organic deposits in the world oceans.
  29. Write a short not on ‘Ekman Spiral’. How does it explain western intensification?
  30. Discuss the process of formation of circulatory gyres by the currents in the oceans.
  31. Give a reasoned analysis of the currents of the Atlantic Ocean.
  32. Discuss the formation of progressive waves in the oceans.
  33. Discuss the concept of water masses with special reference to AABW.
  34. Discuss the thermohaline circulations of the world oceans. What could be the probable impact of global warming on these circulations?
  35. What are mechanism of formation of Rip Currents?
  36. “Tides are result of stationary waves which originate independently in each ocean.” Elaborate.
  37. Analyse the distribution of deep sea minerals in the oceans. Also discuss the major issues involved in deep sea mining.
  38. Evaluate the subsidence theory of coral reef formation.
  39. Compare the Subsidence Theory with Glacial Theory of coral reef formation.
  40. Analyse the impact of possible climate change on coral bleaching.
  41. Distinguish between isostatic and eustatic processes that cause sea level to change. How do  these processes complicate efforts to measure changes in global sea level by measuring sea-level heights at various coastlines?
  42. Discuss the extent of marine debris in the oceans. Explain the major international efforts taken in this regards.
  43. Discuss the role of UNCLOS in protecting the South China Sea’s Marine environment.
  44. “The United Nations Convention on Law of Sea, although comprehensive in dealing with marine pollution, has left many pressing issues unanswered.” Discuss.