Growth of world population

  1. Trace and account for the various trends to population growth in the world during the present century. (91)
  2. Population growth in the 20th century
  3. Growth of population and food resources of the world (96)
  4. Critically examine the reasons and trends of world population growth in the modern period.
  5. Growth of world population
  6. Provide an account of world population transition in the context of fertility dcclinc and socio-cconomic development.2020

Distribution of world population

  1. Give an account of the existing distributional pattern of population in the world and give your assessment regarding the importance of geographical factors for such a pattern. (87)
  2. Similarities in the population distribution of southern continents and reasons for the same. (2012)
  3. Population distribution is as much a product of the physiographic factors as much as the available resources and their utilisation. Analyse.
  4. Distribution of world population

Demographic attributes

  1. Critically examine the method of deriving Human Development Index. (2010)
  2. Status of infant morality rate in the world. (2012)
  3. Impact of changing fertility ratio on world population. (2012)
  4. Evaluate the various models on population density distribution in urban centres. (2012)
  5. Explain the parameters for assessment and the spatial pattern of Human Development Index in the world. (2012)
  6. Demographic attributes
  7. Describe the regional pattern of Life Expectancy in the world and bring out the challenges faced by developing countries due to increasing life expectancy. (2016)
  8. “There are considerable demographic similarities between West European nations and Japan.”

Explain. (2017

  1. Explain the relationship between net reproductive rate (NRR) and true replacement level of population.
  2. 20.

Causes and consequences of migration

  1. Discuss the causes and consequences of major international migrations of the present time. (85)
  2. Examine the causes of the international migrations of the last 50 years or so and the socio economic and political problems generated by them. (90)
  3. Discuss the major international streams of migration in the world in recent times and account for the relationship that exists between population pressure areas and migration prospects. (93)
  4. Discuss the causes and consequences of population migration in the world (2000)
  5. Impact of migration on urban demography. (2012)
  6. Critically examine the theories on population migration. (2015)
  7. Globalisation and Migration
  8. Examine the causes and consequences of forced migration of population in the present context. (2017
  9. What do you mean by ‘climate migrants’? Suggest appropriate policies and programmes for their resettlement
  10. Distinguish between mobility and migration. What are the causes and consequences of rural to urban migration in India? 2020

Concepts of over—, under— and optimum population

  1. Examine the theories about population control and explain the relative merits of these theories in limiting population growth. (95)
  2. Population and Food Security. (2011)
  3. Concept of optimum population (2001)
  4. Optimum population (2010)
  5. See Models and Theories

Population theories

  1. Discuss the social and economic theories of population growth. (2008)
  2. “Marx’s view on population is more humanistic.’ Comment. (2015)
  3. Discuss the evolution of theories of population and evaluate their applicability in context of the present population problems.
  4. Compare and contrast the Malthusian and Nco-Malthusian perspectives in the context of population growth, resource use and environmental impact. 2020
  5. 40.

World population problems and policies

  1. Population and Food Security. (2011)
  2. “Huge populations of developing countries are not a curse. These may be and also are an asset, if situations are properly managed.” Elaborate on this assertion. (2010)
  3. The world population problem is not as much a problem of population growth as much as of resource distribution and global economic, social and political order. Analyse this statement in the present day context.
  4. The trend of world population growth indicates an alarming scenario. To control it there is a need to evolve comprehensive global population policy, discuss.
  5. World population problems
  6. Assess the challenges for countries with the largest shares of aged populations

Social well-being and quality of life

  1. The changing concept of Social Well Being.
  2. Yardsticks of social well-being
  3. Define the quality of life and explain its parameters with adequate explain. (2017

Population as Social Capital

  1. Critically examine the concept of Social Capital and discuss the measures to build Social Capital.
  2. Explain the concept of social capital and discuss the relevance and value of population as a social capital.
  3. Critically examine Putnam’s concept of social capital and its applicability with regional economic development.
  4. Social capital is the most important tool for selecting the state of economic development. Give your argument in favour & against of it.
  5. Examine the relationship between population growth and social capital taking examples from different part of the world.
  6. Population as a social capital.
  7. Social Capital as a tool for nation building
  8. Explain the concept of social capital in relation to India. (2017


  1. Evolution and diffusion of Indo-European languages
  2. How does the evolution and process of development of languages is related to the perceptions? Explain with suitable example.
  3. Give a brief account of the distribution of different languages.
  4. Language and perception both of them intrinsically related. Discuss with the help of the different languages.
  5. “A language originates at a particular place and diffuses to other locations through the migration of its speakers.” Examine this statement in the context of language hot spots and endangered language hot spots.
  6. A language originates at a particular place and diffuses to other locations through the migration of its speakers.” Examine this statement in the context of language hot spots and endangered language hot spots.


  1. Given an account of evolution of the different cultural hearths, and analyse to what extent religions have determined the distribution and growth of population.


  1. Secularisation and its effects.
  2. Discuss the concept of secularization and analyse to what degree secularization in attitude is related to development
  3. Secularization is the ultimate state of economic development of the country. Comment
  4. State of economic development of a country is determined as much by the availability and resource as by secularised process of thinking of the population. Analyse
  5. Secularisation and Economic Development.

Cultural regions of the world

  1. Give a critical account of the cultural evolution of Man. Illustrate your answer with suitable example.1988
  2. “Indo-Gangetic hearth is considered to be one of the world’s richest cultural realms.” Examine. (2014)
  3. Major cultural realms of the world (89)
  4. Cultural regions of the world. (2006)
  5. Provide a broad classification of world cultural regions. (2009)
  6. Occidental culture realm (2010)
  7. “Cultural regions are the most suited units to study the diversity of area ” Comment. (2015)
  8. Provide a broad classification of World Cultural Region
  9. The traditional cultural identities are at loss with the growth of global connectivity.” Explain. (2017)

Human development Index

  1. Human Development

Explain the parameters for assessment and the spatial pattern of Human Development Index in the world. (2013)

  1. 80.


Historical Perspective of Indian Society

  1. The state of society of India is a product of its history. Analyse the statement in light of the existing mindset, life style and culture of the people.
  2. The historical evolution of Indian Society best reflects secularisation of the Indian Society till the advent of Mughal Empire. Comment.

Racial and linguistic ethnic diversities

  1. “India is an example of unity in diversity”. Elucidate this statement in the context of India’s physical

and human aspects. (93)

  1. Elucidate the genesis of ethnic and cultural diversities in India. (96)
  2. Examine the genesis of racial diversity in India (97)
  3. Discuss the genesis of ethnic and racial diversities in India. (99)
  4. Ethnic diversity of North-Eastern States. (2010)
  5. Linguistic diversity in North-eastern states. (2012)
  6. Describe the impact of linguistic diversity on the development of various regions of India. (2013)
  7. Linguistic diversity in India.
  8. Religious Minorities.
  9. Point out the ethnic disparities in the N-E India. (In about 200 words) (2016)
  10. “Linguistic diversity is an asset as well as a challenge in India.” Explain the statement focussing on the distribution of languages and the major steps taken to address the related issues. (2017
  11. Religious minorities are largely concentrated in border States of India. Discuss its causes and consequences. (2017
  12. Critically assess the vanishing ethnic linguistic plurality of India.
  13. 16.

Major tribes, tribal areas and their problems

  1. Identify the major tribal communities in India by regions and examine the problems common to all of them the ways of their solution. (91)
  2. Critically examine the problems and prospects of tribal areas in India. (98)
  3. Present an account of tribals, tribal areas and their problems in India. (2006)
  4. Tribal areas of India, problems of tribes and their remedies.
  5. Describe the major tribal regions of India and their problems. (In about 200 words) (2016)

Cultural regions

  1. “Indo-Gangetic hearth is considered to be one of the world’s richest cultural realms.” Examine. (2014)
  2. Cultural regions of India.

Growth, distribution and density of population

  1. “The density of population is, as it were, the synthesis of all geographical phenomena.” (80)
  2. Discuss the distribution pattern of population in India. State how geographic factors have influenced it. (82)
  3. “Economic characteristic of an area exert a much more direct effect upon its population patterns than do the physical characteristics.” Explain with examples. (2004)
  4. “Describe the impact of the rise in population density on economic development in India. (85)
  5. Account for the present distributional pattern of population density in India. (2002)
  6. Explain how Demographic Transition created Demographic Dividend in contemporary India. (2010)
  7. The process of demographic transition is not uniform in India. Examine this statement in the context of demographic transition theory. 2020

Demographic attributes-sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-force, dependency ratio and longevity

  1. Elucidate the sex and age structure of the population of India. (2001)
  2. Discuss the causes and consequences of sex-ratio variations in India. (2006)
  3. Age-sex pyramid is representative of the history of a region.” Explain (In about 150 words) (2015)
  4. Geographical reason for the variation in literacy from state to state in India. (2012)
  5. How age structure affects dependency ratio? Explain with suitable examples. (2012)
  6. What do you understand by ‘Young India’? How can the present state of population composition be converted into an asset for the country? (2013)
  7. Demographic dividend and its implications on Indian socio-economic environment. (2013)
  8. Highlight the implications of declining child sex ratio in India. (2014)
  9. Discuss the social and spatial ramifications of increasing longevity. (In about 150 words) (2015)
  10. The demographic attributes reflect the structure of economy and the underlying socio-economic level. Discuss this statement with reference to India.
  11. Discuss the patterns and trends of internal migration and passenger flows in India.
  12. Analyse the different demographic attributes in context with the religious diversities in India’s population.
  13. Discuss the factors influencing the distribution of sex ratio in India. (2016)

Migration (inter regional, intra-regional and international) and associated problems

  1. Explain the causes and consequences of migration. (2007)
  2. How do the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors operate for the emergence of slums in the metropolises of India? (2009)
  3. Discuss the spatial pattern of intra-regional migration in India and examine its implication in regional development. (2011)
  4. Discuss the trends in emigration focusing on its major thrust. (2014)
  5. Which have been the main areas where international migration from India has taken place. Analyse these trends and examine the impacts.
  6. Discuss the socio-economic problems associates with the left behind families of international migrants from India.
  7. 50.

Population problems and policies

  1. Elucidate the current population policy of India and comment on its effectiveness. 1993
  2. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the nation’s population control. (2004)
  3. Explain the various population problems of India and suggest as to how this large human-resource can be made useful in the economic development of the country. (81)
  4. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the nation’s population control. (2012)
  5. Explain the various population problems of India and suggest as to how this large human-resource can be made useful in the economic development of the country. (81)
  6. Discuss the population problems of India in regional perspective and make specific suggestions for tackling the problem with respect to the broad population regions. (87)
  7. In population planning, the thrust of the Government has been ‘planning the population’ not ‘plan for the population’. Elaborate. (2015)
  8. Population Policy
  9. Critically examine the environmental problems of Indian cities.

Health Indicators

  1. Good health indicators as a yardstick of socio-economic development.
  2. What kind of skill promotion programmes have  been  initiated  for  job  regions  in  India  ?  Explain. 2020
  3. Stunting and wasting among children are major consequences of food insecurity. Discuss various schemes of Government of India to address these problems and their achievements.



Mixed Interrelated and interdisciplinary nature Questions

  1. Secularization is the last stage of development of a society. Analyse.
  2. Globalization and Migration now are intrinsically linked. Explain.
  3. Social capital is the most important tool for selecting the state of economic development. Give your argument in favour & against of it.
  4. Analyze recent European migration crisis.
  5. “Huge populations of developing countries are not a curse. These may be and also are an asset, if their skill and attitude are properly managed.” Elaborate on this assertion in Indian context.
  6. Pro Natal Policies have an inbuilt motive in garnering a geopolitical leverage out of it. Suggest it with suitable examples.
  7. Migration has the potential to induce Secularisation as well as break the fabric of the Society. Explain it with examples?
  8. Globalization and Migration now are intrinsically linked. Explain.
  9. Critically examine the role of three revolutions that determined the growth rate of population
  10. What has determined that Hinduism remains a Local Religion while Islam and Christianity are Universal religions?
  11. How does the evolution and process of development of languages is related to the perceptions? Explain with suitable example.
  12. The age sex structure actually reflects the intent and character of the society.
  13. Demographic structures are being deliberately distorted to suit the political aspirations of the countries.
  14. The incidence of illness is as much reflective of the social well being of the people as much as the state of economy as well as societal attitudes and norms. Analyse the statement with respect to various social malaise the society suffers.
  15. Analyse the Relative Income Theory of Demographic Perspective and its contemporary Significance.
  16. Secularization is the last stage of development. Analyse
  17. Discuss the Conquest and the Agricultural Theory of Diffusion of Languages.
  18. Examine the Religion and Women’s Rights issue as detremining the Languages and its distribution.
  19. “Concepts of over-under-and optimum population are vital to understand the economic implications of demographic processes.” Discuss.
  20. Examine the theories on population.
  21. Critically examine the Malthusian theory of population. How it is different from Neo-malthusian.
  22. “The contemporary overpopulation faced by many countries is nothing but a reflection of population resource imbalance according to Malthus but from a Marxist viewpoint, such phenomena are but reifications of concrete historical social, political, and economic relations.” Discuss
  23. Discuss the determinants and patterns of world fertility.
  24. Discuss the causes of mortality transitions. Also, explain the patterns of life expectancy in the world.
  25. What has been the role of re-emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases in changing the global mortality patterns.” Discuss.
  26. Discuss the level and trends of IMR across the world.
  27. Discuss the causes and consequences of demographic transition.
  28. “Rather than being one demographic transition, there are in reality many”. Analyse the statement with special reference to India.
  29. Outline the key challenges, the world will face as the demographic transitions runs its course across the remainder of this century.
  30. India’s progression through demographic transition provides a good example of the ways in which demographic processes are entwined with social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental processes. Discuss
  31. Discuss Mobility Transition Theory of Wilbur Zelinsky.
  32. Briefly describe, how migrants assimilation into host societies takes place.
  33. Discuss the pattern of contemporary international migration.
  34. Discuss the contemporary migration pattern of India.
  35. “Concepts of over-under-and optimum population are vital to understand the economic implications of demographic processes.” Discuss.
  36. Examine the theories on population.
  37. Critically examine the Malthusian theory of population. How it is different from Neo-malthusian theory.
  38. Discuss the determinants and patterns of world fertility.
  39. Discuss the causes of mortality transitions. Also, explain the patterns of life expectancy in the world.
  40. “Re-emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases is changing the global mortality patterns.” Discuss.
  41. Discuss the level and trends of IMR across the world.
  42. Discuss the causes and consequences of demographic transition.
  43. “Rather than being one demographic transition, there are in reality many and in different regions”. Discuss.
  44. Outline the key challenges, the world will face as the demographic transitions runs its course across the remainder of this century.
  45. India’s progression through demographic transition provides a good example of the ways in which demographic processes are entwined with social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental processes. Discuss
  46. Analyse the major theories of migration.
  47. Write an essay on the factors that determine migrant assimilation into host societies.
  48. Discuss the pattern of contemporary international migration.
  49. Discuss the contemporary migration pattern of India.
  50. What is the difference between ‘refugees’ and ‘internally displaced persons.’ Analyse the contemporary patterns of such population.
  51. How does the evolution and process of development of languages is related to the perceptions? Explain with suitable example.
  52. Examine the relationship between Secularisation, Behavioural approach and Social well being.
  53. Demographic structures are being deliberately distorted to suit the political aspirations of the countries.
  54. Discuss the Conquest and the Agricultural Theory of Diffusion of Languages.
  55. Examine the Religion and Women’s Rights issue as detremining the Languages and its distribution.
  56. How does the evolution and process of development of languages is related to the perceptions? Explain with suitable example.
  57. How do cultures and civilisations differ in this context identify the culture regions of the world citing the basis of your division?
  58. The age sex structure is reflective of the state of economy, demographic profile and cultural set up. Explain.
  59. Explain the concept of acculturation and cultural assimilation as applicable to India.
  60. India is united despite being diverse which precludes it from becoming a nation. Comment
  61. Hinduism is more a way of life, rather than religion. Explain the statement in light of assimilation and tolerant characteristics of Hinduism.