Chandrayaan-3 | ISRO | K. Siddhartha Sir | Hindi News | TIMES NOW Navbharat

Chandrayaan-3 | ISRO | K. Siddhartha Sir

Chandrayaan-3 | ISRO India का मिशन Chandrayaan-3 इतिहास रचने से थोड़ा ही दूर है. ISRO ने जानकारी दी थी कि लैंडर विक्रम 23 अगस्त 2023 को शाम 5.30 बजे से 6.30 बजे के बीच चंद्रमा की सतह पर उतरेगा, लेकिन इसरो ने अब इसके समय में थोड़ा सा बदलाव किया है.

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On Monday morning, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) said the lander from Chandrayaan-3, which is due to touch down on Wednesday at 18:04 local time (12:34 GMT), has been mapping the landing area and taking images with its “hazard detection and avoidance” camera.

Isro added that the black-and-white images sent by this camera will assist them “in locating a safe landing area – without boulders or deep trenches”.

The lunar far side is the side that faces away from the Earth and is sometimes also called “the dark side of the Moon” because so little is known about it. Scientists say landing there can be a tricky affair.

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Source: Times Now Navbharat

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