Sanatan Sanskriti
Hinduism is one of the most important world religious & philosophical schools that has upheld this idea, which it calls Sanatan Sanskriti (Dharma), and this teaching forms perhaps the core belief of all its multitude of scriptures and traditions.
In Western thought the same idea is called Perennial Philosophy (Philosophia Perennis) and was believed in by figures such as Plato, Francis Bacon, John Dee, Kepler, Leibniz, Newton, Spinoza, Aldous Huxley and other great intellectuals, but its presence in Western thought has been less obvious than that in Eastern thought.
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It has been affirmed by great thinkers inside Islam, Judaism and Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, classical pagan & modern transpersonal thought as well. In this webinar, several leading thinkers from all over the globe discuss whether representatives of the Sanatan Dharma and the Perennial Philosophical traditions can work together.
This webinar is being organised by TransBrahma, an Indian think tank, and the International institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy (a European based centre for peace and philosophical research) and the World Intellectual Forum, a global think tank for leading intellectuals trying to solve our current addiction to war, violence, greed and resource mis-allocation.
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