Armed Forces Flag Day | Indian Army | December 7

Armed Forces Flag Day | Indian Army | December 7

Armed Forces Flag Day

In India we are a free democratic country. We live in peace. We celebrate festivals and various other ways to be happy and spread our happiness among our family, friends, and society. But must not forget about those armed forces because of whom we are enjoying all of these. After India’s independence, the government recognized the necessity to look after the well-being of our defence personnel. Therefore, on August 28, 1949, the Ministry of defence announced that December 7 would be celebrated as Armed Forces Flag Day to honour the soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

A tribute to unwavering courage and sacrifice

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All Indians now consider the Armed Forces Flag Day as a very important day and celebrate 7th December every year. The day is a poignant reminder of the unwavering courage and sacrifice of our Armed Forces personnel. It stands as a powerful symbol of respect, gratitude and solidarity with the brave men and women who sacrifice their lives to protect the integrity of the nation. Even today our borders are not safe and our military forces keep themselves alert on their toes, day and night to protect the country and countrymen. In this process they face unimaginable challenges and dangers to ensure our safety and security.

A call to action

This day is a call for all citizens to come together and support our troops. We can donate to the Flag Day Fund, contribute our time and skills, and simply show our gratitude to those who serve our country.
Celebrating this day not only spread awareness among youth but also urges them to collect funds for providing for the betterment of the armed forces by selling badges and stickers. On this day, people come together to explore rehabilitation options for war victims and well being of ex-servicemen personnel. This is how people pay respects to the martyrs, and assist in providing welfare and support to the men in army, navy, and air force of the country.

Supporting those injured in battle, taking care of current military personnel and their families, and aiding ex-servicemen and their families with resettlement and welfare, are the three main causes that Armed Forces Flag Day 2023 focuses on.
The young generation must take inspiration from the prowess and patriotism of our martyrs.

“It is the martyrs’ contribution by their blood that our fields are green in a free country BHARAT”

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