Apologies and Atonement

Apologies and Atonement

Apologies and Atonement Humankind is in the 21st century. The last century saw the rise of many independent nation-states which struggled their way to achieve independence or through disintegrations. We have witnessed Human rights movements across the world during this time. It is not wrong to say that this century changed the face of the […]



WELCOME TO INDIA : ‘The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans’. We don’t own the planet Earth instead we belong to it and in order to survive we must share it with our wildlife. Keeping this in mind the Supreme Court of our country allowed the […]

Dholes are extincting

Dholes are extincting

Dholes are extincting : Human beings have made a lot of progress in the past decades. Consequently our equation with the environment has also changed. However, this change has not been so progressive. Since industrial times, humans have led the world to achieve massive growth of industries, even agricultural development resulting in tremendous food production […]