Rising Sea Levels

Rising Sea Levels

Loss of human life, property, livestock, marine life crops, food scarcity, rising conflicts and diseases. These are some of the endless consequences of rising sea levels. Rising seas is one of the effects of climate change- a phenomenon which is drastically taking place in recent years accelerated due to human activities, particularly greenhouse gas emissions […]

global climate change

How to make Earth resilient to the evident global climate change?

Climate change, the buzz word today is the talking point worldwide. Demonstrations led by students worldwide demanding the attention of world leaders towards the issue of climate change show how concerned the young generation is for the world they are going to live in, a world which is largely slipping into chaos made by incomplete […]

permafrost distribution in the arctic

Arctic: Between Catastrophe to Opportunities

The climate cataclysm looms with fast-melting Arctic ice, which stuck around the world, especially in lowlands near the sea and left thousands of innocent souls marooned and the quagmire of umpteen is beyond description. A study of Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Space lab published in US journal described, Greenland’s melting ice caused sea levels […]