The Juvenile Justice system around the world is a mechanism to deal with the youngsters, below 18 years of age who have committed crime. In India, such children are addressed with ‘children in conflict with law’. Therefore, children who have not yet attained the age of 18 or the age of majority are tried under […]
Category: Social
Save our rural residents from COVID 19 by rural sanitation in India
Save our rural residents : The human being is the most unique architect of the almighty, who got tremendous power to change the social, economic, and cultural landscape of the earth. Human’s ultimate power is reflected in their well-being and health. Today, it’s been more than 70 years of hard-fought independence of India, where 65% […]
Humanity will never forgive manual scavenging
Humanity: Manual scavenging is the removal, disposal of human excreta of a person by another person, in the most bold terms. It involves cleaning of sewers, dry-latrines, gutters, drains, septic tanks, etc. manually. The people who do this work are called ‘manual scavengers’. Manual scavengers are those unfortunate people who have been doing this work […]
Tourism | अज्ञात की सैर | “Life is a book and if you don’t travel, you read just one page” |
अज्ञात की सैर | Tourism अंग्रेजी और उर्दू की दो उक्तियाँ हैं- “Life is a book and if you don’t travel, you read just one page.” “सैर कर दुनिया की काफ़िर जिंदगानी फिर कहाँ, जिंदगानी गर रही तो ये जवानी फ़िर कहाँ।” पर्यटन (Tourism) न करने वाला व्यक्ति ‘कूप मण्डूक’ ही रह जाता है। हमारा विश्व […]
असमानता : Inequality as the biggest problem in India
असमानता ( Inequality): भारत विभिन्नता में एकता का देश है, जहाँ विभिन्न प्रकार के सभ्यता, संस्कृति, रीति-रिवाज, बोली, भाषा, लिंग, जाति पाई जाती है। यही विभिन्नता भारत को जहाँ विशेष बनाता है वहीं भारत की सबसे बड़ी समस्या का कारण भी बन जा रही है। वर्त्तमान में यह असमानता इतनी बढ़ गई है कि यह […]