Consider the statement about Mantle | MCQ | Correct Answer

Consider the statement about Mantle | MCQ | Correct Answer

Consider the statement about Mantle

  1. It extends from Repetti discontinuity to a depth of 3,900 km.
  2. The lower mantle extends beyond the asthenosphere and it is in a liquid state.
  3. Temperatures range from approximately 200 °C at the upper boundary with the crust to approximately 4,000 °C at the core-mantle boundary.

Correct options are:

  1. Only 2
  2. Only 3
  3. Only 1
  4. Only 1,3

Answer: ( b ) Only 3

Daily Quiz – Hindi

Daily Quiz – Hindi

  • Mantle forms about 83 per cent of the earth’s volume and holds 67% of the earth’s mass.

Statement 1 is incorrect;

It extends from Moho’s discontinuity to a depth of 2,900 km.

Other specification:

  • The density of the upper mantle varies between 2.9 g/cm3 and 3.3 g/cm3.
  • The density ranges from 3.3 g/cm3 to 5.7 g/cm3 in the lower mantle.
  • The mantle is composed of silicate rocks that are rich in iron.
  • Regarding its constituent elements, the mantle is made up of 45% oxygen, 21% silicon, and 23% magnesium (OSM).
  • Because of the temperature difference, there is a convective material circulation in the mantle (although solid, the high temperatures within the mantle cause the silicate material to be sufficiently ductile).

Daily Quiz – English

Daily Quiz – Questions that make you alert

Statement 2 is incorrect;

The lower mantle extends beyond the asthenosphere. It is in a solid state.

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Statement 3 is correct

Temperatures range from approximately 200 °C at the upper boundary with the crust to approximately 4,000 °C at the core-mantle boundary.

Consider Mantle

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