पितामह भीष्म के जीवन में एक ही पाप था कि वे समय पर क्रोध नहीं करते थे और *जटायु के जीवन में एक ही पुण्य था कि वे समय पर क्रोध करते थे। “नतीजतन एक को बाणों की शय्या मिली और एक को प्रभु श्री राम की गोद।” वेद कहते हैं – “क्रोध भी तब […]

What's New Around You
पितामह भीष्म के जीवन में एक ही पाप था कि वे समय पर क्रोध नहीं करते थे और *जटायु के जीवन में एक ही पुण्य था कि वे समय पर क्रोध करते थे। “नतीजतन एक को बाणों की शय्या मिली और एक को प्रभु श्री राम की गोद।” वेद कहते हैं – “क्रोध भी तब […]
What gives you respect in front of people is your words and your language , what makes you loved is your words and your language, what makes you known first is words and your language, what determines your social capital is words and your language, what helps you rise is your words and your language, […]
When you understand others, it is intelligence, When you understand yourself, it is true wisdom Wisdom is a far greater virtue than Knowledge because when knowledge speaks wisdom listens. When truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does […]
Irony of life: The Lawyer hopes You get into trouble, The Doctor hopes You get sick, The Landlord hopes You don’t buy a House, The Dentist hope Your Tooth Decays, The Mechanic hope Your Cars Breakdown,
ARE YOU IN PERCEPTION MODE? The price of being true and taking a stance is always less than the regret of being ‘neutral ‘ to wait for status quo situation. A premonition driven attitude, perception guided judgemental response camouflages truth and transparency in relations. What breaks, breaches and diminishes trust is camouflaged intentions, and if […]