“There is no greatness where there is no simplicity”
India that is Bharat, is a land of simplicity which is blessed by greatness. India has diverse history, geography and thoughts, exemplified as greatness. It will be no wrong in defining simplicity as sustainability as it is very evident in history as India. India has a long history of which we admire today. Therefore, simplicity is in very blood of India.
“There is no greatness where there is no simplicity’’ -said by Leo Tolstoy. Though the example of greatness and legends are enormous in the world but in case of India people like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhas Chandra Bose, Vivekananda and many Indian nationalist have clearly justified that “there is no greatness where there is no simplicity”.
Mahatma Gandhi father of nation, his very strength was his simplicity which made the English perplex both in South Africa and India. It was this simplicity that was the very idea of non-violence and down to earth personality made it very difficult for British to survive in india for long.
He defined economy of a country which started from village and therefore, emphasised in promoting industries at village level. He also promoted handloom and khadi more specifically. Today Gandhi ji has become brand in all over the world and his way of simple is praised and admired in western countries too.
Vivekanand another great leader, whose knowledge and simplicity today are admired by all young generations. He was a man who popularised very idea of Hindustan and its magnificent tradition and culture which is one of the greatest in the world. His belief and ideology is itself a pillar of simplicity as he believed in “high in thinking and simple in living”.
Today people like them have made different image of India in every corner of the world. In todays context it very much reminds me of Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam a true contemporary example of greatness with simplicity. If we look at the foreign policy of India it promotes peace and co-existence, it itself is inspired by greatness of simplicity. This is a land where nature is worshiped and admired by people, therefore nature itself is a great teacher of simplicity that has made it so great and diverse.
Today world is moving aggressively towards growth and development, leaving very ethic of human existence that is simplicity. In the obsession of proving itself a great nation, devastating nature, so does greatness is about economic prosperity only. Yes, economic prosperity is need of the time but not at the cost of environment. What make things great, it is the persons like Greta Thunberg which by their virtue of love for nature and simplicity makes them great. Anybody can become great, helping can make a person great, kindness can make a person great, in short simplicity can make anyone great.
According to census of India tribal population of India is 8.2% of total population of India. Tribal are the most exemplified example of simplicity who have, for very long been close to nature and learnt to live with it. They also contributed in the increment of forest and preservation of ethnic and cultural. This is what have made them great who inspire the youth to love nature and admire life of simplicity living in urban busy life.
In India if ever we search for an organisation known for its torch bearer in simplicity is undoubtedly and equivocally, we its ISRO. Its very story of establishment that is so inspiring a world-wide admired organisation started from a simple church and its equipment carried on a cycle and cart, today it’s greatness is mesmerising even NASA recognised its greatness.
It launched 104 satellite to make world record. This very fact makes us learn that there is no greatness where there is no simplicity. Now point is simplicity is not about abandoning technology, it is a character of a person which makes technology more valuable for welfare of people without hurting nature. It is virtue of kindness and respect for others and taking responsibility of his/her duty.
It is well said, “if you want to know nature of someone put them under pressure”. Recently India was stuck by pandemic due to COVID-19, each one us were put to test by nature itself. It was joyful to see people dedication towards needy whether to say about migrating worker and their movement to their hometown or providing food to needy in all corner of the country. This signifies the existence of simplicity in the very ethics of India that is why India is a land of greatness.
Today’s generation is in need to learn to be simple in character and high in thinking. Nowadays this world is facing an enormous challenge of terrorism, radicalisation, climate change, expansionist ideology, poverty, pandemic what not. There is need to absorb the power of simplicity that is love, kindness, admiration of humanity and ground to earth ideology to make a very peaceful and happy nation. It is we, as future of nation, need to promote these very authentic and real treasure of India which in very existence was simple and greatest civilisation ever the world has produced.
Remember this is a land of saint, Gandhi and Vedas who themselves promoted the very idea of simplicity. Today we need this idea of simplicity in governance, accountability, curbing corruption and promoting welfare of the nation so that economy of the nation improves significantly without harming environment. It is we who have to believe in “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity” now if we believe in so lets together promote it so as said by PM “vocal for local”.
Topic :- There is no greatness where there is no simplicity
AUTHOR:-Vivek Singh
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