Climate change is the most loathsome and horrendous issue the entire world is confronting at this moment. Earth’s average temperature is increasing at a disturbing rate and every one of the nations with their pioneers are required to meet up to tackle this issue.
Environmentalists are raising their concerns and are viewing the pioneers to take up the important actions to combat this problem. Different nations are adopting varied ways in accordance to their resources and means to make their respective contribution in facing this crisis and overcoming it.
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India is also viewing this problem as a serious threat and is trying to take up the necessary steps. India accounts for about 5% of the global emissions. India has introduced a numerous amount of policies to reduce the percentage emissions from its side.
In 2008, Indian government had released its first National Action Plan on Climate Change which identified 8 core national missions running through 2017. It was mentioned in India’s five-year plan (2012-2017) which guides overall economic policy. The present government has taken up steps to scale up clean energy production and has initiated a shift in India’s stance in international climate negotiations.
The government has renamed the environment ministry to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. New initiatives have also been launched which covers a broader spectrum of issues such as coastal zone management, health and waste-to-energy. India has also emerged as a global leader in renewable energy, with investments in renewable energy surpassing to that of fossil fuels.
After adopting its National Electricity Plan in 2018, India remains on track to achieve its 2-degree centigrade compatible rated Paris Agreement NDC (National Development Council) climate action targets. India is also hoping to achieve its goal of a 40% non-fossil fuel-based power capacity by 2030.
A 2018 report by the national coal mining company, Coal India, confirms declining future costs of solar and renewable electricity storage which in turn would foster low-carbon investments. The government has signaled to increase its previous 20222 capacity target for renewable power from 175 GW to 228 GW. A variety of carbon pricing mechanisms are also being encouraged to boost the efficiency of renewable energy.
The Indian State Of Maharashtra and six others have agreed to adopt ‘Heat Action Plans’ that includes installing cool roofs and shift the public transport system to electric buses. India’s solar energy initiative was well underway before the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2016 but the nation’s plans to be the world’s most prominent solar energy oriented vitality achievement has been staggering not withstanding costly solar equipments and the expanding import duties.
India has made development and poverty eradication key issues within the climate change negotiation. India is not ready to buy the arguments put down by the developed countries that the concern for the planet’s present climate must supersede the authentic blame of the formers as the significant polluters or that the developing nations ought to alter their development prospect in light of environmental change alleviation.
In September last year India participated in the Global Action Summit in California, U.S.A. It helped the country to cement its credentials as a leader when it comes to climate change. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy brought out India’s first ‘State Energy Efficiency Preparedness Index’ in August 2018.
It categorized India as ‘front runner’, ‘achiever’, ‘contender’ or ‘aspirant’. India ranks 11th in this year’s Climate Change Performance Index improving its standing by 3 places compared to the previous edition. India improved its performance in the renewable energy category , joining the group of medium performers. Low levels of per capita GFG emission and a mitigation target for 2030 give India an overall high rating in emission category.
So even though India has a long way to go in combating climate change and also balance the development and eradicate poverty, even little initiatives by every citizen of the country and the government we will be able to realize our dreams.
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