
Can Bhutan save itself from the Clutches of Climate Change?

Bhutan Climate Change: The threat of climate change is getting more real as the days pass. It is not a new observation that there are certain countries, particular places and communities which are directly facing the threat. Among the countries in the Himalayan abode- Bhutan is seriously at the changing climate and its consequences. It […]

Increasing Heat Waves : Climate is Chang

Increasing Heat Waves : Climate is Chang

Increasing Heat Waves: Extreme heat events, excessive rainfall, floods, droughts, etc. have become new normals today. Climate is changing at a faster pace, oceans are rising, lands becoming infertile and all because of us, the humans. One such event which adds to the woes of people in most places around the globe is increasing heat […]

Artificial Intelligence

Will Artificial Intelligence help our future detection of diseases?

Artificial Intelligence: Innovation and creativity have been in the blood of humans, so they have demonstrated from Stone Age till today, i.e., an era of information technology. Evolution is a law of nature so is the technology which is a part of nature. Today world is flooded with data that has become valuable assets and […]


Inheritance | युवा पीढ़ी की विरासत ?

Inheritance | युवा पीढ़ी किस प्रकार की दुनिया को विरासत में पाएंगे ? आज हम कैसे विश्व में जी रहे हैं और किस प्रकार के विश्व की ओर अग्रसर हैं? आगे आने वाली पीढ़ी किस प्रकार के विश्व को विरासत में पाएगी? इसे जानने के लिए हम कुछ वर्ष पीछे चलते हैं। ज्यादा नहीं, २०-३० […]