
राष्ट्रीय एकता में सरदार पटेल (Sardar Patel)के योगदान

छवि “लौह पुरूष की ऐसी न देखी, ना सोची कभी  आवाज में सिंह सी दहाड़ थी हृदय में कोमलता की पुकार थी एकता का स्वरूप जो इसने रचा देश का मानचित्र पल भर में बदला गरीबो का सरदार था वो दुश्मनों के लिए लौह था वो आँधी की तरह बहता गया बनकर गाँधी का अहिंसा का […]


Ayodhya dispute has finally been resolved.

Ayodhya dispute  The popularly known Ayodhya dispute has been a religious and political flashpoint that has cast a shadow on the country for decades. The decades old Ayodhya case dominated political discourse since the 1980s. Several elections have been fought on this issue. A five judge constitution bench was constituted. It finally delivered the landmark  […]


RCEP Dangerous for India

Why is RCEP dangerous for India – especially for Agricultural and Dairy Sectors. Over the past few weeks we have witnessed many farmers’ protests against India joining the RCEP. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is said to be the world’s biggest trade agreement since it involves countries who are engaged in a huge percentage of […]